Meet Senna
Senna came to us from a fur farm. He was transported by Saveafox rescue in Minnesota all the way to Florida with 15 other foxes. When he first got here he was terrified of everything. He was put into a large 10 x 10 enclosure. A far cry from the tiny 2 x 2 x 2 cages at the fur farm! He was curious about everything! The pine pellets in his dig box fascinated him! He loved to get in them and kick them out everywhere making a huge mess. As time went on and we spent time sitting in the enclosure with him he began to be less nervous. We fed him treats each day by hand until he became less afraid of human hands. We spoke softly to him and he became less frightened of human voices. He came out of his little foxy shell. It was a lovely thing to see! He began interacting with Winter fox through the kennel wire, running back and forth in a frenzy with toys in his mouth screaming with joy and excitement! Finally the day came when Senna was able to be out in the large attached play yard with Winter Fox and Franny fox! Oh what a day! To stretch those legs and RUN! And he did just that! Leaping in the air with such exuberance that at first he frightened Winter! Eventually after the discussed things loudly with each other as foxes do they came to an agreement! Senna is besties with Winter.
Senna has a Primary Sponsor
- Age at Intake – 5
- Sex – Male/neutered
- Color – Lavender
- Weight – 12 Pounds
Pink Nose and lips, baby blue eyes

Favorite Toy – Really, just about anything, big or small but stuffed seems to be the favorite!
Favorite snack – Duck or chicken jerky and eggs
Favorite special snack – mostly anything sweet. Cinnamon buns & cookies in moderation of course! not a fan of peanut butter
Favorite raw – Senna is a fantastic eater and will usually eat whatever is put in front of him. Chicken hearts are also a favorite
Senna’s Roommate – Winter and sometimes Franny(when she chooses)
Senna Gets along with – Franny, Winter & Eevee
Senna enjoys being in the Run Yard Best with – Winter, Franny & Eevee
Oh, Senna! What to say? This guy has such a sweet demeanor and is very gentle. He has never offered to bite even though he was in the fur farm for 4 years. He will gently take food from your hand, never snatching or being pushy. He always waits his turn letting the girls go first. He is the only fur farm fox that is allowed out around visitors because he is trustworthy. This boy comes when you make kissing noises and usually goes into his enclosure without an issue when asked.
He enjoys running and playing hard! Wrestling and running the tunnels with Winter is his favorite past time sometimes with a toy in his mouth to add to the fun.
Senna will scream in the mornings at sunrise and I am beginning to believe he just want to go out in the run yard!
He can be found most days walking the aisle fence and chattering disapprovingly at Hansel & Gretel or Riot & Havoc. He does not like the other foxes other then his original girls. He was the first boy here and probably wishes we would have kept it that way!
Future Goals for Senna – Senna does not allow petting and you cannot touch him except on his nose or when he is sound asleep: )
We would love for Senna to enjoy the company of Hansel and Gretel but understand that this may not happen. We will continue to watch his progress and see. Until then, We have no future goals other then to make him as happy and carefree as possible for the rest of his life!