Fox Tales Florida

About Fox Tales Florida

What We Do

The Foxes

Support Fox Tales
Welcome to the Fox Tales Florida
Sanctuary & Rescue
If you have arrived at this page wanting to know more about the foxes that reside here at Fox Tales Florida and their back stories, captive bred fox rescue or captive bred foxes in general you have come to the right place.
Fox Tales Florida Rescue & Sanctuary was created because of the need for forever homes for Captive bred foxes in the US. Fox Tales Florida mainly takes in a pet fox surrenders when an owner finds themselves in a position of being unable to care for their pet fox any longer or has a lifestyle change that forces their hand. We understand and sympathize with these owners realizing just how difficult this is for everyone involved. We do our very best to make the transition as easy as possible for both the fox and the current owners. On occasion, We do allow past owners to come and visit with their surrendered pet if they so choose.
At times we have also opened our hearts to foxes born and raised in fur farms that are being put to death for no reason other than the fur farms cannot make money on them any longer and therefore end up on the cull list.
Our goal here at Fox Tales Florida Rescue & Sanctuary is to give these foxes a good life with enrichment, proper diet and all the love required to have the best life possible for the rest of their years.
We do not adopt out our foxes, they live their lives to the fullest here, forever. If you have any questions about our facility or our amenities, feel free to contact us!

Our Facility
Fox Tales Florida is located on the West coast of Florida. We are situated on 4 acres of land where big old oak hammocks share their shade and breezes blow through bamboo stands. Its quiet and serene with wonderful energy.
Yoga classes are taught on a weekly basis here, horses munch hay in the fields and foxes relax stretched out in the grass. Life moves pretty slow here. Days for the foxes are filled with the enrichment of digging, running, playing and resting.
How You Can Help
Donate to Fox Tales Florida or Sponsor a Fox! Find out how.